Random Hug of Kindness (RHoK)

All about our Random Hugs of Kindness (RHoK) and how you can help
Our Big Hug Boxes are all about kindness in times when it is unexpected but really needed! Flowing on from this motto it seemed a natural fit that we use Random Acts of Kindness Day as a way of spreading kindness to Australians facing cancer.

Did you know that we have delivered over 300 boxes to patients across Australia and raised over $12 000 for cancer research. But we’re only just getting started and this is where we need you to get involved, to help us make the RHoK It 2020 our biggest delivery yet. 

Firstly we want you to think of a time when you received a gift or a gesture when you didn’t expect it, maybe it was a phone call from a friend, a surprise gift from a friend or a thoughtful act from a family member. It lifted you up, made you feel seen and hopefully it reconnected you with hope and kindness, in a dark time.
What we want to do is help our communities do this for those who could really use it… cancer patients. Thinking back to how it made you feel… imagine how it would make such a positive difference in the day of someone going through treatment to have an act of kindness happen to them.
Since starting these deliveries in 2017 we’ve seen first hand what a RHoK box can do and how being part of spreading that cheer can be an incredible and impactful moment in the life of the fundraiser. It feels good to do good.
How do you get involved?
We need you as individuals or as a team (could be your work place, sports club, friendship group, you name it) to fundraise some money. In matters of kindness no amount is too small. It starts with just one box. You can jump online and donate that—> link here.
However, we’re looking for RHoK Stars who can really rise to the challenge and are ready to go all out spreading kindness. We need people that can help us raise enough money for a group delivery. In the scheme of things this sounds like a lot but we’ve found it to be a really achievable target and by raising $1500 you have approximately 20 boxes which is enough for a group delivery.
How does it work?
We’ve created a special box for the purpose of spreading kindness. The RHoK Box was created when the founder, Lisa Greissl, realised the potential to spread kindness further. The Big Hug Box has delivered our boxes to cancer centres across Australia as a Random Act of Kindness which we also like to call a Random Hug of Kindness or RHoK Box. We need you to make your team to raise the money. Form your team and please email us at hello@thebighugbox.com for an application form, you will be provided with the information on how we support you in coordinating the delivery. We’ll have useful tips and you’ll hit the ground ready to go.
Then it’s time to get creative and put your fundraising hat on. Our RHoK Stars have been extremely creative raising money for their deliveries. You could hold a raffle or have a luncheon that is in support of your own delivery. Just ask us for more ideas if you are stuck - get as creative as you like! Once you’ve raised your money and met your target it’s time to get the delivery rolling. If you have a centre in mind for the delivery let us know in your initial application and we can work to help organise this with them.
What does it mean to purchase a RHoK Box?
It means that you will be supporting a patient going through cancer when they really need it the most. You will also be supporting cancer research with proceeds going directly back to our dedicated organisation Cure Cancer.
Again if this seems like too much to take on right now, we’d love you to start with just a box and know that every bit really makes a difference, big and small.
For single box donations these are available to donate at anytime of the year and will be part of our quarterly deliveries to Chris O'Brien Lifehouse. Wanting to feel even more inspired and learn about how our powerful random acts of kindness have been in supporting Australians facing cancer.
Be sure to also read a very special blog in memory of our first receiver and Ambassador of The Big Hug Box, Tracy Morel. Which continues to be our purpose, drive and passion to spread more acts of kindness with our Australian Community facing cancer.