Nominate your beneficiary - I received a Big Hug

Every recipient of a Big Hug Box* has the power to make a difference. Inside every Big Hug Box* is a $5 donation voucher that can be allocated to an Australian cancer charity of the recipient's choice. 

To make your selection, browse the list of beneficiaries below and select your choice. At the checkout, enter your unique voucher code to allocate a $5 donation to your chosen organisation.

Not sure who to choose – You can choose The Big Hug Box – allocate your $5 donation towards a Random Hug of Kindness initiative. This donation will go towards gifting another Big Hug care pack to a cancer patient in need. 

Want to nominate a cancer charity that isn't listed? We'd love to hear who you want to receive support. Add the "Nominate a Charity" to your shopping basket, and include your charity details in the notes section during checkout. 

If you are nominating a charity, please ensure the nominated beneficiary is Australian-based, not-for-profit and supports cancer research, cancer wellness initiatives, or cancer support groups. For more information please contact hello@thebighugbox 

*Please note that donation vouchers are only available with gifts or donated boxes that are purchased through The Big Hug Box website. A portion of Big Hug Boxes purchased through other outlets will have already allocated a donation to a preselected charity.