Feisty Ferdy becomes the "Nue" lip balm supplier for The Big Hug Box
On Friday we announced that there would be a new lip balm supplier for the Big Hug Box.
We knew that this was going to take a good search Australia Wide to find a lip balm that addressed the specific needs of our patients. It has to be ultra smooth, low scent, Australian Made and the packaging had to be recyclable.
We are extremely excited to announce that Feisty Ferdy is our new supplier of a superior quality lip balm that is seriously smooth and with help protect and nourish dry and damaged lips potentially caused by treatment.
Without leaving you wait any longer, we are pleased to introduce the face behind Feisty Ferdy, Blanche!

How did you get started with your business?
I first started making products for my sister. Sharon suffers from a lot of allergies and has chronic dermatitis and eczema. For as long as I can remember she has been uncomfortable in her own skin. Her skin is sensitive, itchy and dry. She is allergic to a lot of chemicals found in conventional skincare and is anaphylactic to nuts, so a lot of ‘hippy’ skincare she can’t use either, as they are often based on nut oils. She has tried everything. So I wanted to make her products that worked for her, and it was my Mom who suggested sharing them with others.
Three words to describe your product?
Nut-free, natural, mindful
How did you get involved with The Big Hug Box?
Your previous lip balm supplier, Jen from Little Blue Wren got in touch with me. She had used my products and thought they were in keeping with Big Hug Box'es ethos.
Has cancer affected your life?
Many of my relatives on my mother’s side died early from cancer. Her side of the family seems to have a genetic predisposition to breast and bowel cancer.
What is your favourite small business?
Grub Organics, my local organic grocery store. They are like family.
What song lifts you when you've had a tough day?
Can I have 3? We are the Champions by Queen, Shake it off by Taylor Swift and I’ve always loved the Love Shack by the B52s. I love the defiance and triumph of the first two and the sheer silliness of the last
Any tips for your product?
The lip balms are super comfortable and easy. Take off the cap. Glide it on. Done.
Who gives the best hugs in your life?
My dad. He likes squashing you, so you know he is hugging you
With every purchase of a Big Hug Box we are pleased to say will include our New Lip balm from Feisty Ferdy, Be one of the first to try this absolutely exceptional product!
A very big welcome to the team Blanche, we look forward to sharing your beautiful products with our community.