Introducing our new Big Hug Box Ambassador, Kelleigh Lane!


                        Pictured: Founder Lisa Greissl (L) with                            New Big Hug Box Ambassador Kelleigh Lane (R)

Last week I had the privilege of meeting Kelleigh Lane and her team of walkers who, for the last five years, have so generously supported The Big Hug Box in their event “Boo’s Walk for The Big Hug Box”.

This walk has also not only supported the Big Hug Box, but has also provided a beautiful way to remember Brigid, Kelleigh's Sister who lost her battle to bowel cancer in 2020.

It was a stunningly beautiful sunny morning for a walk and afterwards I was fortunate to have incredible conversations with many of the the walkers who so openly shared with me how cancer has impacted their life. We talked about the little acts of kindness in the moments of challenges that cancer brings and how honoured they were to contribute to the work at The Big Hug Box and from this walk to have a special delivery of Big Hug Boxes to The Bays Hospital in Frankston.

The fundraising and impact that Brigid and Kelleigh have had on the community impacted by cancer has seen a beautiful wave of kindness ripple over Victoria.

At The Big Hug Box, what we absolutely love witnessing is the one act of kindness that then goes on to create another and then multiply as our community share with others how kindness really helped to impact them when they really needed it (or perhaps did not know that they needed it). The Big Hug Box wave effect has been a result of members of community like Kelleigh and her walkers, and I am very honoured that I get to lead our Australian community and ride this magnificent wave. My main role in leading The Big Hug Box, is representing, and acknowledging the brilliant work of so many who help create this.

It is with this, that I would particularly like to recognise in this blog the efforts of Kelleigh and the massive wave she has helped create in Victoria. For the last five years in Victoria, not only has Kelleigh fundraised for The Big Hug Box through her events, but during times of COVID she helped in getting Big Hug Boxes to patients who were not only facing the challenges of cancer, but the isolation of COVID, she was critical in creating connection to patients who really needed desperate Big Hug whilst facing the grief of losing her sister to bowel cancer.

I am therefore excited to share that I would like to announce Kelleigh as our Big Hug Box Ambassador. This role recognises and celebrates the connection that The Big Hug Box shares with Kelleigh and the work and passion that she puts into her fundraising and awareness efforts of The Big Hug Box.

We are immensely excited to have the support of Kelleigh in Victoria, who will provide a pillar of connection to our work down south. Kelleigh has also very generously offered to hold packing days down in Victoria to get much needed hugs out to the patients of Frankston and surrounding areas.

Thank you so much Kelleigh and what an honour it is to have you part of our team!


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